Mali : Support for FAMA in the offensive against terrorists in Tinzaouatene and vigilance against disinformation

On Sunday, August 25, 2024, the Malian army carried out a large-scale operation against terrorist groups in the town of Tinzaouatène, located near the Algerian border. These precision airstrikes, targeting individuals identified as responsible for atrocities against civilians, demonstrate the determination of the Malian armed forces to protect Mali’s sovereignty and eliminate threats to the country’s security.

In an official statement, the Malian army confirmed that these strikes specifically targeted terrorist groups using human shields and imposing movement restrictions on local populations. This operation is part of a broader strategy of continuous aerial surveillance aimed at neutralizing terrorist groups operating in the Kidal region.

In response to this legitimate action by the Malian army, unfounded accusations have been made by the Permanent Strategic Framework for the Defense of the People of Azawad (CSP-DPA), a rebel group, claiming that the strikes targeted civilians. These accusations are part of a well-known terrorist strategy: blending into the civilian population to avoid reprisals and, in the event of losses in their ranks, claiming that the victims were innocent civilians. This devious tactic aims to manipulate international opinion and discredit the actions of national armed forces, which operate with full legitimacy and the support of the Malian population.

It is crucial to remember that the Malian army operates with a constant concern to minimize risks to civilians. However, in the context of intense fighting in areas like Tinzaouatène, the presence of civilians near terrorist groups can significantly increase risks. Therefore, it is imperative that the civilian population avoids conflict zones and follows the recommendations of the armed forces for their own safety.

The support of the population is essential for the Malian army to continue conducting effective operations against terrorists. By staying away from combat zones and reporting any complicity with armed groups, civilians will contribute to the success of efforts to secure the country.

Sadia Nyaoré

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