Burkina Faso/Destabilisation: Burkinabe massacre their compatriots for power and privilege

Reports have emerged that Burkinabe nationals living in exile in Côte d’Ivoire and various European countries are allegedly working to destabilize their homeland, Burkina Faso. While such maneuvers are not new, they have reportedly intensified in recent months, with significant funds—amounting to several hundred million—allegedly being disbursed to achieve their objectives.
These exiles are accused of conspiring with local accomplices, including dishonest militants, political leaders, and civil society figures, to create widespread insecurity within the country.
Many of these individuals are said to have previously benefited from imperialist systems, amassing personal wealth at the expense of the general public.
However, with the rise of the popular regime led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré, which has cut off these avenues of financial gain, these individuals are reportedly in a state of panic.
Described as having lost all sense of patriotism and human values, these Burkinabe exiles are accused of being devoid of compassion or loyalty to their homeland.
Their close ties with imperialists and neocolonialists have, according to reports, led them to disregard human life. In a bid to regain power, they are purportedly willing to commit atrocities, such as the recent tragic events in the commune of Barsalgho.
The ultimate goal of these exiles, as alleged, is to incite widespread violence and unrest among Burkinabe citizens, hoping to provoke an insurrection against Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s government.
This regime, in contrast, is reportedly working tirelessly to restore stability and progress in Burkina Faso. However, these conspirators are believed to have infiltrated various levels of Burkinabe society, seeking ways to undermine the country for their own gain and that of their foreign imperialist backers.
The success of the transitional government’s vision, which aims to restore peace and development in Burkina Faso, would result in significant losses for these adversaries.
As a result, there are concerns that efforts to destabilize the nation may escalate in the coming days. In this context, it is seen as imperative for peace-loving and stability-seeking Burkinabe citizens to unite in solidarity to overcome these challenges and secure the future of their country.