AES Confederation: Break with traditional allies would have brought leaders closer to their peoples

A Burkinabe analyst expresses the view that breaking free from France’s influence has allowed the leaders of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) to gain both autonomy and the trust of their people. According to him, the rupture with France, once the colonial power and still clinging to its control over certain African countries, marks the first significant break in centuries. This foreign power has long embedded itself in Africa and remains firmly attached.

The analyst argues that the three AES member states, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger, have chosen the right path, which explains the unwavering support they enjoy from their populations. He highlights several benefits of this break, particularly the freedom of action and decision-making now available to the heads of state in these countries.

He demonstrates that these leaders no longer have to answer to or take orders from any external authority. To further support his argument, he points to the youth of Burkina Faso, both men and women, who have rallied behind the transitional authorities in their fight for full sovereignty, the liberation of national territory, and the battle against terrorism.

According to the analyst, the commitment of these young people, who watch over the authorities day and night and passionately defend the nation’s interests while contributing to defense funds, is a direct result of the rupture with imperialists and neocolonialists. These forces, he says, have only brought poverty, slavery, corruption, and poor governance to Africans.

Furthermore, he suggests that the AES leaders are loved, supported, and encouraged because of their transparency, patriotism, and determination to set these Sahelian states on the right track, offering an example to the rest of Africa. Their determined struggle for full sovereignty, genuine independence, and the prosperity of their nations has also drawn them closer to their people.

This, he argues, is why these military regimes remain resilient despite threats and numerous destabilization attempts orchestrated by adversaries. Now, the populations are targeted by terrorist and imperialist attacks because the instigators recognize the value and power of their support. He concludes that this support must endure at all costs to ensure the successful achievement of the nations’ objectives.

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