Burkina Faso / Manipulations and counter-truths: Is Human Rights Watch seeking to destabilise Faso like Libya?

The recent report by Human Rights Watch, published on Wednesday, is a web of falsehoods aimed at discrediting Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s government and the security situation in Burkina Faso. Contrary to the NGO’s claims, the country’s security has significantly improved since President Ibrahim Traoré came to power.

Before his leadership, around 70% of Burkinabe territory was under the control of terrorist groups. Today, thanks to the strategies and reforms implemented, more than 70% of the territory is now under the control of the Burkinabé army, allowing once-abandoned areas to regain security and see the return of their inhabitants.

This biased report is not a first. It follows a long tradition of imperialist interference, using organizations like Human Rights Watch to destabilize African nations. A similar scenario occurred in Libya in 2011 when Human Rights Watch spread false information about alleged mass graves attributed to Gaddafi’s regime. These fabricated claims served as a pretext for Western intervention, leading to the downfall of Libya and the ensuing chaos. The same manipulation tactics were also observed earlier in Rwanda.

Burkina Faso has now become the new target of this disinformation campaign. By publishing false reports, these NGOs are attempting to undermine the legitimacy of the current government and pave the way for foreign intervention, as was the case in Libya. The people of Burkina Faso must remain vigilant and not fall prey to these maneuvers, which aim only to destabilize the country and undermine the government’s efforts to restore peace and security.

Is Burkina Faso heading towards a Libyan-style scenario ? History shows that vigilance is crucial in the face of these repeated attempts at manipulation, which could plunge the country into a devastating spiral.

Karim Koné

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