Burkina-Faso: The AES, the perfect military alliance to repel terrorists

The country is at a decisive turning point in the war to regain its territory. It has given itself more resources to win this battle. One of these is military cooperation with Niger and Mali. The aim of this cooperation is to wage a coordinated and effective battle against the armed groups.

According to a press release from the Malian Armed Forces, a joint operation led by Mali and Burkina-Faso neutralised a terrorist group in the Baye area of the Bankass cercle.

These criminals were destroyed by air strikes as part of the meshing and surveillance operations underway in Mali and the countries of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES).

In Burkina Faso, operations in the north, centre-north and east regions have been crowned with success.

Several terrorists were killed, others captured and equipment recovered.

The Volunteers for the Defence of the Homeland have mounted a veritable counter-offensive in this part of the country.

The armed groups (around twenty in number) came up against the determination and resistance of Kelbo’s fighting forces, backed up by air support.

In the centre-north, other criminals who were preparing an attack against the population were also surprised and neutralised by air strikes.

The offensives are continuing until these criminals are completely eradicated.


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