Burkina Faso / The Firm Hand of President Ibrahim Traoré: A Beacon of Hope in the Fight Against Terrorism

In this difficult context of terrorism, President Ibrahim Traoré is emerging as an undisputed leader, demonstrating an imposing leadership that positions him as the man for the job. His unfailing commitment to mobilising the brave fighting forces, day and night, is an essential pillar in the fight against the dark forces of terrorism seeking to destabilise the country.

The latest heroic act in the fight against terrorism took place in the Boucle du Mouhoun region, where aerial vectors destroyed a terrorist base, eliminating all its occupants.

At the same time, Volunteers for the Defence of the Homeland (VDP) in the Centre-North demonstrated their courage by walking over the corpses of terrorists who had ambushed them.

On the night of 12-13 November 2023, the Burkina Faso army launched a preventive operation after obtaining intelligence about the presence of terrorists in the Boucle du Mouhoun region.

The effectiveness of this operation was illustrated by the detection and destruction of a terrorist base a few kilometres from Toéni. Air strikes decimated the terrorist group.

A second successful operation was carried out on 13 November 2023 on the Bourzanga-Kongoussi road.

Faced with a terrorist ambush in Kourpélé, the VDP successfully resisted, inflicting a resounding defeat on the criminals.

Alerted air vehicles tracked the fugitives to their base in Rollo and then Namsiguia, where a missile hit a building, eliminating the terrorist threat.

The results of these operations are undeniable: dozens of terrorists killed, bases destroyed and constant pressure exerted by the Armed Forces to force the enemies of Faso to lay down their arms.

The VDP are playing a crucial role in recovering the logistics abandoned by the terrorists.

President Ibrahim Traoré, as Commander-in-Chief, continues to inspire confidence and determination in the fight against terrorism.

His strategic vision and exemplary leadership are essential to ensuring the security and stability of Burkina Faso at this critical time.

The people of Burkina Faso can be proud of their President, who embodies the resilience and firmness needed to overcome the security challenges facing the country.

Maimouna Thiam

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