Burkina-Faso: Counter-terrorism, a positive outlook for the Sahel States

The President of Burkina-Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, was delighted to announce the liberation of Kidal (northern Mali) on 14 November 2023 after days of fighting in the fight against terrorism. At the beginning of October, the Malian Armed Forces set out to reconquer Kidal, which had been occupied by rebels for several years.

This move by the Malian Armed Forces in Kidal undoubtedly demonstrates the determination and commitment of the President of the transition, Colonel Assimi Goïta, and his men to a «free and sovereign» Mali.

This is a happy outcome that offers «good prospects for Mali and the Sahel States», according to the Head of State of Burkina Faso.

Indeed, the Sahel states are moving inexorably towards the return of peace and security to their territories.

In the light of events, the noose is tightening ever tighter on the terrorists. In both Burkina Faso and Mali, a veritable witch-hunt is underway.

 The fighting forces of both countries are inflicting heavy losses on the jihadist groups.

They are being hunted down, hunted down and neutralised during operations. All the hideouts of these criminals are under their control.

 Modern means contribute to the exploits of the fighting forces. Dozens of terrorists are neutralised every day.

Also, through the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), joint operations to reconquer territories are being carried out successfully.

 These victories are a sign that the determination and will of an entire people can overcome all threats.

Papa Ibrahima

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