Fight against corruption / Memorandum of Understanding signed between HABG and BOAD

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed on Friday, November 17, 2023, in Abidjan-Cocody Riviera 3, between the President of the High Authority for Good Governance (HABG), Épiphane Zoro Ballo, and the Vice President of the West African Development Bank (BOAD) in charge of Support and Control, Braima Luis Soares Cassama. The MOU aims to establish a framework for cooperation between the two institutions in the prevention, detection, and fight against corruption.
To facilitate the implementation of this MOU, which comes into effect upon signing, a Joint Monitoring Committee for the MOU will be established.
This committee will consist of two experts designated by each party for a five-year term.
«By signing this agreement, we commit firmly and decisively to combat corruption. We affirm our determination to break with corruption and act in favour of improving governance, combating fraud, and corruption in our country and the West African sub-region», declared Épiphane Zoro Ballo.
Braima Luis Soares Cassama emphasized that BOAD adheres to a policy of «zero tolerance» towards corruption, fraud, and other reprehensible practices.
According to him, this agreement aims to establish connections with all institutions responsible for combating fraud and corruption in the UEMOA member countries, to collectively stand against these scourges.
Regarding the clauses of this agreement, the parties agree to facilitate the effective exercise of their responsibilities, closely and diligently collaborate, and consult each other on matters of mutual interest in accordance with the relevant provisions of their internal legal framework.