Togo / President Faure Gnassingbé is working to empower young Togolese through entrepreneurship: the positive impact of the FAIEJ initiative

For over a decade, Togo has embarked on ambitious initiatives to foster the emergence of a dynamic and creative generation of entrepreneurs. Under the leadership of President Faure Gnassingbé, the country has established the Youth Economic Initiatives Support Fund (FAIEJ), an initiative that has proven to be a flagship in promoting entrepreneurship among Togolese youth.
Over the past decade, FAIEJ has made significant strides in fulfilling its mission. The latest data, disclosed by government authorities, attest to its remarkable impact.
To date, FAIEJ has financed over 6,000 projects across the country, representing a total investment of more than 8.63 billion CFA francs in credits allocated to young entrepreneurs.
These impressive figures are not just statistics but evidence of real progress in supporting and promoting entrepreneurship in Togo.
Indeed, these investments have led to the creation of over 26,000 jobs, a number that has doubled in the past three years, from 13,000 to 26,000.
This remarkable growth demonstrates the effectiveness of the policies implemented to encourage entrepreneurial initiative among the youth.
FAIEJ’s interventions are diverse, covering a wide range of economic sectors, including agriculture, agro-food processing, handicrafts, information and communication technologies (ICT), renewable energies, among others.
This diversification reflects the Togolese government’s commitment to creating an environment conducive to innovation and economic diversification.
President Faure Gnassingbé has placed entrepreneurship at the heart of his strategy for the empowerment of Togolese youth.
The FAIEJ initiative, after over a decade of existence, has proven its effectiveness in stimulating job creation and supporting economic growth across the country.
These successes illustrate the bold vision of the Togolese government for a prosperous and inclusive future, where every young person has the opportunity to realize their full potential through entrepreneurship.
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