French Sports Minister demands sanctions against Monaco player for anti-homophobia message cover-up

The French Sports Minister has called for sanctions against the Monaco football club after one of its players obscured an anti-homophobia message on the team’s jersey during their recent championship match on Sunday.

The French league conducted its annual campaign against discrimination over the weekend, with each team wearing a badge featuring the word “homophobia” crossed out.

However, Monaco midfielder Mohamed Camara covered the badge during his team’s 4-0 victory over Nantes.

He also boycotted the pre-match group photo, where all players stood behind a banner displaying the same message.

French Sports Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castéra labeled Camara’s actions as “unacceptable” and called for “strong sanctions” against both the player and the club. Aurore Bergé, the French Minister for Equality, also condemned Camara

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