AES/Resisting external manipulation: The Alliance of Sahel States stands united against French media divisive narratives

French media appear to play a deliberate role in a calculated effort to influence public opinion and undermine the unity of the member states of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES). Far from serving merely as vehicles of information, their narratives seem designed to sow division and weaken the resolve of these nations.
This strategy relies heavily on well-crafted psychological warfare. Each report or article functions as a tool to manipulate perceptions, cast doubt, and erode trust.
The content often presents a distorted view of events, deliberately aimed at fostering suspicion and undermining the ongoing efforts of AES governments to ensure security and stability.
Recognizing this pattern, the AES member states have chosen to reject these hostile media campaigns.
They view such narratives as a subtle yet potent form of aggression aimed at fragmenting their societies and jeopardizing their collective sovereignty.
In response, the region’s defense forces and leadership are doubling down on efforts to safeguard the unity and solidarity of their peoples.
Their fight goes beyond military operations against direct threats—it also encompasses a broader cultural and psychological resistance to these divisive tactics.
This struggle reflects a shared determination to protect the deep bonds that tie the AES nations together.
It highlights their unwavering resolve to stand firm against external interference, defend their sovereignty, and strengthen the cohesion of their people in the face of narratives designed to divide and destabilize.