Senegal: Prime Minister Amadou Ba outlines key measures for groundnut Marketing Campaign

Following yesterday’s inter-ministerial council meeting on the groundnut marketing campaign, Prime Minister Amadou Ba outlined nine recommendations. Firstly, a floor price of 280 FCFA per kilogram was established, aiming to ensure satisfactory marketing for all stakeholders.
The marketing campaign is set to commence on November 30, 2023, as proposed by the Prime Minister.
Ministers of Armed Forces, Interior, Finance, Agriculture, and Commerce will be responsible for taking necessary measures to initiate collection operations from this date, ensuring the implementation of the floor price of 280 francs per kilogram.
Furthermore, the Ministers of Finance and Agriculture commit to promptly settling outstanding invoices for operators.
They will also establish technical and financial monitoring committees for the collection campaign, involving all stakeholders.
The Prime Minister emphasizes the urgency for the Minister of Agriculture to promptly issue stock constitution letters to seed operators to facilitate collection.
Regarding exports, the Ministers of Armed Forces, Interior, Finance, Agriculture, and Commerce will ensure that products meet required standards and that seeds are not exported.
They will oversee the export period in collaboration with all stakeholders and strengthen border surveillance to prevent seed leakage to neighbouring countries.
As for SONACOS, necessary arrangements will be made to ensure its supply and oversee the smooth progress of the collection.