Togo/Health: Renovation of Health Centres, a crucial need met in the Savannahs

The Togolese government continues its efforts in the healthcare sector revolution to make healthcare services available and of high quality for the Togolese population. In the extreme north of Togo, 60 health centers have been renovated, particularly in the Savanes region.
The completely refurbished infrastructure was officially handed over earlier this week by the Minister of Health, Moustafa Mijiyawa, alongside his colleagues in Universal Health Access, Jean-Marie Koffi Ewonoulé Tessi, and Social Action, Adjovi Lolonyo Apedoh-Anakoma.
The works carried out under the Essential Health Services for Universal Health Coverage (SSEQCU) project specifically targeted the medicine block and maternity facilities.
The government, under the leadership of President Faure Gnassingbe, aims to strengthen all healthcare facilities nationwide to better implement universal health insurance (AMU).
As a reminder, the SSEQCU project, supported by the World Bank, was implemented to provide essential healthcare services to women, children, and vulnerable populations, aligning with the goal of Universal Health Coverage (CSU).