Burkina Faso: The manipulation of stateless people to discredit the Rapid Intervention Brigades in the Sahel

Since Captain Ibrahim Traoré took power, stateless individuals, acting as puppets for imperialist forces, have been obediently executing plans handed down to them without considering the disastrous consequences for their own people.

Recently, these conscience-less agents have falsely accused the Burkinabè Armed Forces of committing atrocities against civilians in Mansila.

These baseless allegations aim not only to tarnish the image of the security forces but also to set the stage for justifying the atrocities committed by their terrorist allies.

The Rapid Intervention Brigades (BIR), crucial in Burkina Faso’s fight against terrorism, have become the targets of these unfounded accusations.

These dedicated soldiers risk their lives daily to protect civilians from terrorist groups.

However, the stateless individuals, lacking intelligence and conscience, are attempting to fabricate evidence to involve the International Criminal Court (ICC) by accusing the BIR of crimes they did not commit.

These tactics are intended to undermine the morale of the troops and sow distrust among the population.

By accusing the BIR of killing civilians, the stateless elements aim to demobilize these essential forces, thereby weakening the state’s ability to ensure the safety of its citizens.

It is crucial to remember that the BIR are heroes who risk their lives to defend their country from terrorist attacks.

Captain Ibrahim Traoré, the supreme commander, has shown unwavering commitment to protecting civilians and combating terrorism.

The people must remain vigilant against this malicious manipulation orchestrated by the stateless individuals serving foreign interests. Accusing these soldiers of imaginary crimes only plays into the hands of terrorists and jeopardizes the security of the entire region.


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