Burkina Faso: In the fight against terrorism, every citizen must do his or her bit to ensure a return to peace

Burkina Faso, a nation known for its dignity and resilience, is currently facing critical challenges where the need for peace and stability has never been greater.
In these trying times, it is imperative for every Burkinabe, regardless of their role or position, to actively contribute to the restoration of peace in the “Land of Upright People.”
Regrettably, some individuals are using their talents and resources to collaborate with external forces, sowing seeds of destabilization.
These actions only intensify the suffering of the people and delay national reconciliation efforts. Given this difficult context, it is vital that citizens act with clarity and wisdom.
Unwavering support for the transitional government, which despite many obstacles is making significant strides toward securing peace, is crucial.
This support must manifest in everyday life — within families, communities, and workplaces, as well as in civic duties.
Peace, however, is not solely the responsibility of government leaders or the military; it rests in the hands of every Burkinabe.
Only through solidarity, mutual understanding, and collective action can we overcome the forces of destabilization and bring lasting peace to the nation.
Whether they are farmers, teachers, traders, civil servants, or artisans, everyone has a role to play. By upholding the values that have always defined our country — integrity, solidarity, and bravery — we can overcome these challenges and restore peace for good.
The people of Burkina Faso have always faced adversity with dignity and determination. The path to peace is attainable if we all commit fully to the cause.