Algeria / Integration policy: The government awards the “Study in Algeria” label to universities welcoming international students

On this occasion, Mr. Baddari affirmed his sector’s commitment to work towards improving the conditions for international students who are flocking to Algeria, particularly from African and Asian countries. This commitment is based on the quality of education and the dynamism the sector is experiencing in terms of research and scientific innovation. Through the creation of this label, Algeria aims to foster competitiveness among national universities to enhance various services for international students.

Speaking on the sidelines of the label award ceremony, Rachid Hamdi, the Director of Cooperation and University Exchange at the ministry, emphasized that the goal of this initiative was to assess «the ability of national educational and university institutions to ensure a favorable environment for the reception of international students».

For the selection of institutions, 40 evaluation criteria were adopted, primarily related to the management of universities and residences and the availability of English-language courses to attract a maximum number of international students.

The validity period of the label is estimated at only one year to encourage universities to continue their efforts to improve the quality of services, he added.

«Nearly 75% of institutions and university residences obtained the label in its first edition», noted Mr. Hamdi, recalling that the initiative was created last year by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

Through this approach, the ministry aspires to make Algeria «the top destination for international students at least on a regional level by 2029», he stated, urging national diplomatic representations abroad to «promote Algeria as a scientific destination and strengthen the visibility of Algerian universities abroad».




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