Togo: “Universités du 3ème age”, an INAM activity in line with the health policy advocated by Faure Gnassingbé

After a few years of hiatus, the National Health Insurance Institute (INAM) reconnects with the “Universités du troisième âge”, an event dedicated to the senior people in the “third age of their life”. This initiative aligned with the healthcare policy of President Faure Gnassingbé for Universal Health Insurance (UHI) in Togo.

This activity, dedicated to seniors and retirees, aims to strengthen the ties between this UHI management organization and a significant portion of the Togolese population, representing nearly half of INAM’s insured individuals.

Scheduled from March 1 to 12 in Lomé, Kpalimé, Sokodé, Kara, and Dapaong, these activities invite seniors to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

 It’s an opportunity for this demographic to gather information, exchange ideas, and focus on their well-being.

To achieve this, the Universal Health Insurance management organization has devised a diverse program of activities for these gatherings.

 Thematic panels will address health-related topics such as nutrition, geriatrics, cardiology, rheumatology, and more.

Additionally, free medical check-ups are planned, along with discussions centered on personal development.

According to INAM, there will also be an exhibition and sale fair featuring products tailored for the elderly.


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