Togo: President Faure Gnassingbé’s commitment to modern agriculture guaranteeing food self-sufficiency

In his determination to see Togo’s agriculture flourish, President Faure Gnassingbé has launched numerous agricultural initiatives in recent years to benefit Togolese farmers.
These initiatives range from modernizing agriculture to providing state subsidies for fertilizers and agricultural equipment, and establishing Planned Agricultural Development Zones (ZAAP).
The Togolese government is actively working to make the sector more productive to ensure food self-sufficiency for its citizens.
«We must produce what we consume», declared President Faure Gnassingbé during a field visit to several Planned Agricultural Development Zones (ZAAP).
Whether in Haho, Moyen-Mono, or Amou, the President reviewed the progress of his initiatives with the ZAAPs to better guide future actions.
It is noteworthy that 218 Planned Agricultural Development Zones (ZAAP) are currently operational.
They reflect the Togolese government’s commitment to boosting the country’s economy by focusing on the agricultural sector.
This vision was recently reinforced during a meeting between the President and farmers at the Agricultural Producers Forum.
Furthermore, the Togolese government aims to establish 400 ZAAPs by 2025.