Niger: Focus on the operationalisation of the AES Confederation

On Thursday, may 2nd, 2024, in Niamey, Adjani Illo, the President of the National Committee tasked with operationalizing the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) Confederation, addressed the press to inform the public about the missions of this confederation.

To establish the structures overseeing the Confederation, President Abdourahamane Tiani of the CNSP in Niger signed an order on April 10th, creating the National Committee tasked with operationalizing the Sahel States Alliance Confederation.

According to Mr. Adjani Illo, the committee’s missions focus on two main areas. «The first is to make the Sahel States Alliance operational as established by the Liptako Gourma Charter, which establishes a defensive alliance in defense and security. The second axis aims to anchor the very idea of the Confederation Alliance of Sahel States».

This confederation of states will bring together three countries with the possibility of forming a federation in the future.

Unlike the initial military-focused alliance, the AES Confederation will revolve around three domains.

The first is defense and security, already in development. The second axis concerns foreign policy and diplomacy, aiming to harmonize the foreign policy and diplomatic actions of the three states.

The third axis focuses on development, with a major goal of economic and financial integration among the three states, including resolving development financing issues, monetary matters, establishing an investment bank, a stabilization fund, and creating interconnection infrastructure such as an airline, road, and rail infrastructure among the states.

Ambassador Adjani Illo informed the press that in addition to these missions, there are two other specific missions: traditional missions involving prospective reflection on geopolitical issues and obstacles to building the confederation, as well as a specific mission to propose to the CNSP and the government measures to make the confederation operational.

As a reminder, the Committee established by President Tiani on April 10th comprises statutory members selected based on their roles within the state apparatus, including diplomats, university officials, senior officers, and planning economists, as well as members from civil society, including women’s organizations, youth organizations, and Burkinabe and Malian communities in Niger, as the aim is to build something collectively among the three nations.

Fayçal BADIE

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