Burkina-Faso: Pupils and students demonstrate their support for the transition

Pupils and students in Burkina Faso, aware of the achievements of the transition, are showing their unwavering support for the government, the defence and security forces and the volunteers defending the country.
Gathered within a coalition, this important segment of the population (youth) demonstrated its support this Saturday for all the forces engaged in the reconquest of the territory, through a large popular mobilisation.
«Without peace and security, there will be no one here to call themselves a pupil or a student», said the spokesperson.
This is the essence of the coalition’s message of support for the transitional government.

For the coalition, the greatest challenge facing Burkina Faso is peace and security.
And from the moment that peace and security are no longer distant aspirations for the population, it is a great victory for the people; and the people owe this victory to the President of the Transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, for his will and his commitment.
On the strength of this fact, the coalition of pupils and students hopes that the transition will continue, in order to complete this mission of reconquering the national territory.