Burkina Faso: Government introduces spraying drones in Dengue fight – An innovative strategy to save lives

Burkina Faso, under the enlightened leadership of President Captain Ibrahim Traoré, intensifies efforts to counter the dengue epidemic that has already claimed the lives of 421 people in the country to date.
In this regard, the Burkinabe government is considering deploying drones in the air for spraying operations, an innovative initiative to reinforce existing measures to protect the Burkinabe population.
On Monday, November 13, 2023, the Minister of Health, Dr. Robert Lucien Kargougou, supervised an indoor spraying operation and special spraying in the Zone 1 neighborhood of Ouagadougou.
This operation was carried out in collaboration with a Russian medical team, providing international support to the fight against dengue in Burkina Faso.
The most affected cities by the epidemic remain Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso.
Out of 95,785 suspected cases, more than 42,516 have tested positive for dengue nationwide.
The on-site supervision of spraying operations with the Russian medical team aims to share the challenges the country faces and seek their logistical support to intensify operations.
Minister Kargougou highlighted the recent acquisition of new semi-motorized and mobile spraying equipment to strengthen teams in Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso.
He also announced a new phase of the fight, involving the deployment of drones in the air for spraying operations, in coordination with security services.
«We will intensify this indoor spraying, this special spraying so that we can truly counter this epidemic», assured the minister.
Spraying operations have already shown positive results, corresponding to the potential impact of the epidemic.
The minister concluded by urging Burkinabe citizens to maintain cleanliness around them and sanitize their environment to prevent the multiplication of mosquitoes responsible for the disease.
Papa Ibrahima