Mali: Suspension of TV5 Monde by the authorities

Mali’s High Authority for Communication (HAC) has taken a decisive step by suspending the international television channel TV5 Monde from authorized distribution networks for three months.


This decision, announced by HAC President Gaoussou Coulibaly, follows a violation of media regulation rules observed in the August 26, 2024 edition of TV5 Monde’s “Journal Afrique.”


The HAC accuses TV5 Monde of airing a report deemed unbalanced, as it only presented certain facts while omitting the official version provided by the Malian Armed Forces, which had been released by the Directorate of Information and Public Relations (DIRPA).


This oversight, according to HAC, compromised the neutrality and fairness required in news coverage, particularly in Mali’s current sensitive security situation.


The suspension is meant to emphasize the importance of impartial reporting, especially on critical topics such as ongoing military operations.


By taking this action, the HAC sends a clear message to international media operating in Mali, underscoring the need for strict adherence to standards of balanced journalism to prevent misinformation or manipulation of public opinion.


The suspension of TV5 Monde demonstrates Mali’s commitment to ensuring rigorous oversight of the information being broadcast, ensuring that all involved parties, including security forces, are fairly represented in the media narrative.


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