What if the European Union also called for an investigation into the killings in Gaza, Ukraine and elsewhere?

According to news reports, the European Union (EU) has called for an investigation into the massacre perpetrated by terrorists on 6 November on the people of Zaongo, a village in the centre-north of Burkina Faso. Is there still a need for an enquiry to shed light on this massacre, for which the jihadist groups are solely responsible? Have there been enquiries in Gaza, Ukraine, etc., where thousands of people, mostly women and children, have been killed?

The international community and its double standards.

In Ukraine, since the war with Russia, no investigation has been requested by any international organisation.

The same is true of Gaza. The European Union has merely condemned Hamas’s use of hospitals and civilians as human shields. And that was all.

The European Union, the UN, ECOWAS, etc., as long as they are biased in their judgements, will no longer enjoy any legitimacy with the African people. Condemn a situation in Africa and support the same situation elsewhere.

Africa has long been a victim of these variable geometry policies. This will no longer be the case.

The African people are saying «enough» to this policy of contempt towards the black continent.

Burkina-Faso is now master of its own destiny. The people of Burkina Faso will no longer allow themselves to be told their own story.

It’s time for sovereignty, and the people led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré are determined not to be spectators of their own development, but rather actors in it.

Souley NAMAN

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