Côte d’Ivoire/ Energy drinks: unfair competition continues until 29 February 2024

In a lucrative energy drink market in Côte d’Ivoire, the authorities’ ban has set the stage for unfair competition running from October 2, 2023, to February 29, 2024.

Following rumors about the harmful effects of energy drinks on consumers, which Ivorian authorities were quick to amplify for their defamatory campaign, unfair competition continues.

In this festive season, while the authorities’ ban runs until February 29, 2024, the companies producing «authorized» energy drinks seek to make the most of the situation.

In this jungle law where some work to eliminate their competitors to establish dominance, others invest in promoting their products in more or less orthodox ways.

In this battle between giants and ants, energy drinks, posing no health risks, are paying a high price due to their skyrocketing success among consumers.

But the smear campaigns frustrate and reveal a near-certain jealousy from major firms.

The maneuver aims to drive energy drinks that pose no health risk out of the market.

According to the Ivorian authorities’ statement, the import suspension aims to protect the health of the population.

However, according to analyses, these energy drinks comply with all applicable laws, following international standards.

This clearly highlights a carefully orchestrated plot which, on the other hand, according to some observers, could fuel smuggling and increase unhealthy enthusiasm.

In light of this reality, public opinion calls on Ivorian authorities to deepen their investigations into the markets to determine the actual manufacturing cocktail and adherence to international standards.

The real poison or drug” that authorities should vigorously pursue is «Tramadol».

It is essential to prohibit its importation into the country to dispel any ambiguity.

Recall that a false rumor, supported by powerful influences, prompted Ivorian authorities to temporarily suspend the importation of these energy drinks.

A decision respected by the top officials of the production company. As if that weren’t enough, rival companies are once again targeting non-alcoholic products.




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