Gabon: General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema attends the installation of the first president of the National Audit Office

General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, as President of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, presided over the formal installation of the First President of the National Audit Office at the courthouse of Libreville, Gabon.
The ceremony opened with a speech by Pierre Maganga Bakita, Dean of the National Audit Office, and was attended by a large number of personalities, including members of the CTRI (Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions), the Vice-President of the Transition, the Prime Minister, Head of the Transitional Government, the Presidents of the constitutional institutions, and members of the Government, including the Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals.
Joseph Mouguiama, public prosecutor at the National Audit Office, took the floor to make the requisition to install the first president of the Office in question, appointed by decision of the High Council of the Judiciary at its meeting on 27 October 2023.
This installation complies with the provisions of article 12 of organic law no. 3/2002, which governs the organisation, composition, jurisdiction and operation of financial courts.
According to these provisions, magistrates are installed in their new functions at a formal hearing of the court in question.
The public prosecutor thus declared: «Mr Dean, President of the Court, ladies and gentlemen of the Court, I request that you kindly install the First President of the National Audit Office and return him to the performance of his duties».
Alain Christian Iyangui, the new First President of the National Audit Office, took the floor to express his gratitude to the highest authorities, in particular the Head of State, who had taken the decision to appoint him to this high office.
He welcomed the advent of the glorious era of transition and pledged to carry out his duties with dedication and responsibility.
His appointment marks an important milestone in the strengthening of Gabon’s judicial system and the promotion of financial transparency.
Jean-Robert TCHANDY