How to get rid of night time awakening?

There are various reasons why you might find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, but most of them are harmless. Few things can compare to the satisfaction of a full night’s undisturbed sleep.
Have you ever been in the midst of a peaceful slumber, only to abruptly awaken for no apparent reason?
If you have, then you’ve experienced what’s commonly referred to as a nighttime awakening.
The good news is that this is a rather ordinary occurrence, with approximately one-third of American adults having encountered it.
Furthermore, it doesn’t necessarily indicate an underlying health issue. More often than not, these nocturnal disturbances are linked to our daily habits and routines, making them entirely manageable.
After all, who doesn’t relish the prospect of sleeping soundly through the night?
Tips for Minimizing Night time Awakenings
- Limit Screen Time:
While reading before bedtime is a cherished tradition, indulging in activities like scrolling through social media or staring at screens on devices like computers, smartphones, or tablets can disrupt your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle.
The culprit is the blue light emitted by these screens, which suppresses melatonin, the hormone that helps regulate our sleep. So, consider swapping your screen time for a good old-fashioned book.
- Curb Caffeine Consumption: Although enjoying a cup of coffee just before a nap may be an appealing ritual, it’s best to avoid all caffeinated beverages for at least six hours prior to bedtime to prevent potential disruptions in your sleep. Caffeine’s stimulating effects can linger, leading to unwanted nighttime awakenings.
- Prioritize Physical Activity: It’s a well-established fact that regular exercise contributes to good sleep hygiene. Even dedicating just half an hour each day to aerobic activities, like taking a brisk walk, can make a remarkable difference.
- Be Mindful of Alcohol Intake:
While a couple of alcoholic beverages may seem like a shortcut to falling asleep, alcohol can interfere with the quality of your slumber.
It disrupts the natural chemical processes that occur during sleep. To safeguard your sleep quality, it’s recommended to wait at least three hours between your last alcoholic drink and bedtime.
Additionally, regardless of the type of beverage, excessive liquid consumption prior to bedtime may lead to awakenings caused by the need to visit the restroom.
- Create an Ideal Sleep Environment:
The setting in which you sleep plays a pivotal role in minimizing nighttime awakenings.
A room that is excessively warm, cold, or noisy can disrupt your sleep, particularly during lighter sleep phases.
To foster an environment conducive to uninterrupted sleep, aim for a room that is dark, quiet, and maintained at a temperature of approximately 22-23ºC.
If external light poses an issue, using a sleep mask can offer a practical solution.