Algeria: The President of the Republic lays the foundations for a healthier business climate by 2024

In 2024, according to statements from President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, the year will be marked by economic resilience. On Thursday, November 16, the Head of State held a meeting with economic operators at the end of the Entrepreneurship Days organized by the Algerian Council for Economic Renewal (CREA) at the International Conference Center of Algiers (CIC).
During this meeting, the President expressed the government’s commitment to continue improving the business climate and enhancing the performance of public and private enterprises within the framework of economic reforms, persistently working towards achieving economic growth.
«Next year will see the continuation of the consolidation of the national economy, within the measures taken in the last three years, which have affected all economic sectors. The abolition of the Tax on Professional Activity (TAP), provided for in the 2024 Finance Bill, responds to the demands made by national economic operators and investors for the past twenty years and is expected to boost production», stated President Tebboune.
Recalling the removal of obstacles for nearly 900 companies through the establishment of the Republic’s Mediator, President Tebboune affirmed that this measure had led to the creation of nearly 22,000 jobs.
«Despite the difficult global economic context that has forced companies in some countries to close down, Algeria, which is working to encourage the creation of businesses, is achieving growth rates exceeding 4%», observed the President.
Calling on CREA to contribute to solving the problems faced by investors, he assured that the doors are open to receive all grievances either at the Presidency or the Government level.
According to President Tebboune, the Algerian university is on the right track, participating for the first time in creating wealth and supporting the economy, thus breaking with the past when graduates would directly join the ranks of the unemployed.